Troy Hickman

Guest Authors

The guest authors listed below have published arcs in City of Heroes. Each linked entry contains information about an author and a description of the arcs the author has created. We will update this page as we reveal more guest authors.

All you need to do to enjoy an author's arcs is to log in to City of Heroes, locate an Architect Entertainment building, and begin playing.

If you are a professional writer who would like to participate in the Guest Author program, visit Would You Like to Participate? and submit your information.

Troy Hickman

Troy Hickman is a comic book writer whose work includes the Eisner Award-nominated series Common Grounds about a chain of coffee/donut shops patronized by superheroes and villains (soon to be a television series, knock on wood); Top Cow's Pilot Season-winning Twilight Guardian, which is the story of a woman who patrols a nine-block area around her neighborhood each night (soon to be a motion picture, continue knocking on wood); Witchblade; Turok; and an arc in the City of Heroes comic book that he also scripted for the game as the Ouroboros task force "Smoke and Mirrors." (Visit Cyrus Thompson in front of the King's Row station, and tell him I said "hello.")

He is also a fanatical City of Heroes player (global name "CommonGrounds") with many characters on every server, including Disturbing Grandma, Shock Cousteau, Little Lord Tauntleroy, Blastafarian, Baby Gherkins, the Buttless Chap, Teleporter Wagoner, Sweet Sassy Molassey, Hickmanimal, Amperage Alaska, Macin' Dixon, Crystal Blue Abrasion, Luchadoris Day, Bananas Froster, and literally about 100 others.

He lives in Lafayette, Indiana, where in addition to his comic work, he teaches creative writing and English to college students. He is a lover of professional wrestling, a devourer of many groceries, an argumentative son of a gun, and the answer to the question "How lucky can you be?"


"A Little Night Music" - Citadel needs your assistance. The Fifth Column has resurrected the dreaded WWII villain Nachtmusik, and he in turn has kidnapped Jimmy Preston. Citadel needs you to enter the dreamworld and save his young friend--and the world. You say you're not afraid? You will be. . . .